Structure for abstract submission :
Abstract submission is to be done online at our conference website.
The maximum number of words for abstract content is 350 words (excluding title, names and details of authors).
Ensure that all changes, corrections and proof reading have been carried out before your submission. Once you have submitted, you will not be able to edit the information given.
Successful abstracts will be published in MAS website unless informed by the applicant that he/she does not want the abstract to be published.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Committee reserves the rights to :
If you plan to submit for VIDEO PRESENTATION, please prepare to provide the following when submitting:
(Video Presentation)
Review of video abstracts will take 4 weeks from the abstract submission deadline.
All video abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Committee reserves the right to select the video abstracts and assign the presentation session. The decision of the Committee is final.
Results will be announced via email.
All submitters of confirmed video presentations MUST complete his/her registration for the conference as a delegate before the 15th August 2019 and present his/her work during the conference.
Accepted videos must be shorter than 3 minutes. The accepted format for video presentation is mp4.
Successful videos must be completed and submitted to the conference secretariat before the 15th August 2019.
All videos MUST BE sent to the conference secretariat via WeTransfer or sharing of Dropbox / Google Drive links to the following email :
Please name your video in the following format :- [Abstract ID][Presenting Author’s Name]
When submitting via We Transfer, please title the message with your [Abstract ID][Presenting Author’s Name].